In 1975 the game of Rugby Union Football was firmly established in Central Nova Scotia with the founding of The Truro Rugby Club by Derek Kersley and Jim MacAfee.
Derek was born in London, England in 1928. Before immigrating to Canada, he was a member of the Ilford Wanderers Rugby Football Club and in 1972 was honored by that club when he visited as the President of the Nova Scotia Rugby Football Union. His knowledge of rugby etiquette and his insistence that it be respected were legendary in the early years of the Truro Rugby Club. Derek was a Professor at the Nova Scotia Teachers College and well respected as an artist and art educator.
Jim MacAfee was born in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 1946. In grade IX he was introduced to rugby and by at least five years, he was the youngest player on the Fredericton Loyalist senior rugby team. He enrolled at the NSAC in 1966 and played basketball, soccer, and anchored great woodsmen teams. For two years running he was chosen NSAC Athlete of the Year. He played rugby for the New Brunswick Senior All Stars from 1969 - 1971 and played for the Hall of Fame Pictou County squad from 1972 - 1975.
Farnham Mill Rugby Park is a living tribute to Derek and Jim and the seed they sowed so many years ago.

Driving through rural North River just outside of Truro, there seems to be a new complex growing that may puzzle many of the local residents that either live or travel through the area. Growing out of the ground on the outskirts of Truro is a rugby park that has been 20 years in the making. While the Farnham Mill Rugby Park has been used for a couple of years now; it has definitely started to take on a more defined shape over the last season or so.
The Truro Saints rugby home is now the host to 2 full size pitches as well as a smaller field that is used as a practice pitch and a home to the fledgling Mini Rugby program. The facility is also doted with a small shed that does double duty as the interim "Clubhouse" and another smaller storage structure. The parking lot is now plenty large enough to accommodate plenty of parking and in a first for Nova Scotia Rugby; the team has even managed to acquire a washroom facility for the users of the park, in matching Saints colors no less. Plans to construct the second match field's goal posts are slated for this summer and from the looks of a recent visit to the park the ground may have already been turned on the future home of the Saints permanent club house.
What does it take to make this dream facility a reality for the Truro Saints? It takes a lot of blood, sweat and beers. In creation of the Truro Saints annual Indoor 7's tournament over 30 years ago the Saints began down the road to creating a future home for the club and being the envy of most other clubs in the province. While I would imagine that even the founding members of the tournament never saw the tournament that started out as being played in one afternoon by a group of friends turning into the 3 day rugby festival that it is today. As the tournament grew the club wisely invested the money and let it grow as they had already had the luxury of having a club house and adjoining field to use at the TAAC Grounds. While the previous clubhouse was full of history and this Truro native's first beers, the writing was on the walls as the 100 year old historic building was demolished for safety reasons several years ago. While many clubs with that level of financial security would likely have reacted with a knee jerk reaction instead the club waited patiently for the right opportunity to present itself. Located on essentially farmland just outside metropolitan Bible Hill, the Saints found themselves with enough space for all their future needs and a location that was just far enough out of the public eye.
The Saints have also taken a very positive step of making the park inclusive rather than exclusive. By opening it up to other user groups including cross country skiing, walking groups, dog enthusiasts and many other community groups they are looking to pull in a wider demographic that will be able to help grow the park and make it a focal part of the community. The park has already paid immediate dividends with the creation of a women's side for the club last year and an improved atmosphere around the team as they rally around this common goal.
As with most clubs there is always a select few that go the extra mile to make these things a reality for their teams and the Saints are no different. The club would like to thank Dick Cotterill, Mark MacLellan, Mike Muggeridge, Mike MacLeod, Rob Kinley, Sam Dickie, Andrew Russell, Rae MacInnis, Macleod's Farm Machinery, McGinley's, Stella Jones, Casey Concrete, Molson's, and the countless others that have in the past and will again in the future continue to help grow the park and the club. While most of these members have moved past their playing days it will be comforting for them to know that in near future they will finally have a deck to sit out on and a facility to look out over, as the next generation of "Saints" have the opportunity to learn the game at the park that they all built.
Derek Kersley – 1975
Jim MacAfee – 1976
John MacDougall – 1977
Dick Cotterill – 1978
Roy Kersley – 1979 & 1985
Gordon Muir – 1980
Wayne Faulkner – 1981
Wayne MacDonald – 1982
Chuck MacMillan – 1983
Scott Davidson – 1984 & 1989
Mike Gloade – 1986 & 1987
Robert Gunderson – 1988
Sam Dickie – 1990 & 1991
Mike MacLeod – 1992 to 2002
Mike Muggeridge - 2003 to 2008
Andrew Russell – 2009 to 2012
Betty Davis - 2013
Owen Hutchison - 2014
Dave Cotterill - 2015
Owen Hutchison - 2020
Dan Mosely - 2021 to 2022
Meghan MacEachern- Current
Club Alumni
Robert Allen
Rick Anthony
Alex Armsworthy
Josh Arnburg
Paul Atkin
Chris Bailey
Charlie Baird
Les Barkhouse
Scottie Bartlett
Brian Barton
Roddie Barton
Greg Bell
Jason Bhouma
Peter Bigelow
Charles Blades Becky Blank
Lloyd Blois Natalie Bolsom
Bo Borden
Peter Borden Shawna Boucher
Ray Boudreau
Andres Boulleau
Ryan Boyce
Steven Boyce
Roger Brimicombe
Mike Brooker
Garnet Brooks
Mike Brown
John Brown Kareen Burgoyne
Tom Burlock Morgan Carruthers
Lorne Carter
Bruce Casey Jennifer Chestnutt
Derek Chisholm
Ron Chisholm Emily Clark
Jason Clarke
Paul Clarke
Whitie Clarke
Rick Clowater
Kirk Connelly
Doug Conrad
Derek Corbett
Glenn Corbett
Joel Corcoran
Dick Cotteril
Dave Cotteril
Adam Cotteril
Curtis Cox
Robert Crowe
Mike Cruthers
Terry Cullen Sara Blair Cutten
Bryson Daley
Chris Davey
Scott Davidson
Ed Davidson
Al Davis
Kent Degrass
Ray Desmoines
Gary Devouge
Sam Dickie
Wade Dickie CourtneyDickson
Glen Doncaster Emily Doncaster
Travis Dow
Scott Dow
Roy Dyke
Morgan Elliot Miranda Elliot Samantha Ellis Allison Ellis Christine Falt
Pat Flemming
Doug Falkenham
Dan Fancy
Kenny Faulkner
Wayne Faulkner Mashal Fida
Mike Fielding
Tim Fielding
Colin Fisher
Alan Fredeen
Tom Frizell
Dave Fulton
Dave Galloway
Graham Gardiner
Dave Geldart
Robbie Giffin Victoria Gilby
Dan Gillis
Mike Gloade
Adrian Gloade
Vernon Gloade Richard Gloade
Paul Goodspeed
Duane Gorman Sara Grandy
Chris Grappell Margaret Graves
Denver Green
Robert Gunderson
Dave Haliburton
Colin Hamilton
Ralph Hamilton
Mike Hanes
Andy Harpman Kelsey Harpman Janet Harrington
Bob Harvey
John Hazelhurst
Zack Higgins
Sean Higgins
Dan Hill
Greg Hoare
Steven Hoare
Gary Hollis
Trevor Horst
Darrell Huntley
Gary Huntley
Colin Janes
Brian Johnson Shonalee Johnson
Dean Johnson
Mark Johnson
Mike Johnson
Glen Joudrey
Bernie Joudrey Sarah Keddy Alice Kejari
Ray Kersley
Derek Kersley
Keith Kichem
Rob Kinley Kristen King
Brian Kinsman Saran Labelle BJ Lalonde
Peter Landry Vicki Lang
Troy Lauther
Russ Lauther Stephanie LeBlanc Jessica Leck Jessica Lee
Warren Legge Katelyn Lewis
OJ Lien
Glenn Joudrey
Robbie Lynds Jim MacAffee
Tim MacAffee
Greg MacArthur
Darrell MacCallum
Wayne MacDonald
Ernie MacDonald
Doug MacDonald
Darryl MacDonald
Kevin MacDonald
Mike MacDonald
Bill MacDougall
John MacDougall
Greg MacDougall
Chip MacDougall
Jamie MacDougall
Jim MacEachern
Bruce MacGregor
Paul MacGregor
Rae MacInnis Laura Lee MacInnis
Grant MacIssac
Cory MacKay
John MacKenzie
Joey Mackin
Angus MacKinnon
Glenn MacKinnon
Cameron MacKinnon Jill Mackinnon Kait MacLean
Mark MacLellan
Rory MacLellan
Ron MacLellan
Mike MacLeod Marin MacLeod
Chuck MacMillan
Jeff MacMillan
Billie MacNeil Lindesy MacNeil
Harvey MacPhee Kristy Macquarrie
Dave Mahoney
Randy Matheson
Greg Maynard Jess Maxwell
Mark McCabe Laura McCarron Jenna McCarthy Naomi McKay Jenna McKay Lindsey McKay
Shawn McLeod
Kevin McNutt
Trevor McNutt Kent McNutt
Andrew McRae
Andrew Mertle Rebecca Michelin
Rick Mingo
Garfield Moffat
Steve Morrison
Wade Morrisey
Stephen Morrisey Jenny Morton Becky Morton
Mac Mosher
Danny Mosley
Mike Muggeridge Gordie Muir Ali Munroe
Brian Murdock
Gerry Murphy
Joe Nally Sarah Nichols
Lorne Nicholson
Andrew Nicholson Julie Nolan
Roddie Norrie
Graham Parker
Doug Pelham
Jeff Pelham
Lorne Pelham
Garth Perrin
Craig Phillips
Glenn Porter
Greg Power
Johnny Pratt
Greg Pratt
Howie Pryor Jenny Ptolemy
Brandon Purdy
Anthony Purdy
Dalton Purdy
Darrell Pyke
Dougie Rodgers
Tim Roland
Keith Roode
Bill Roode
Andrew Russell
Gerry Russell Heather Russell
Dana Rutherford
Bobby Sanford
Ron Saunders Hailey Saunders
Sach Saunders Payson Saunders
Steve Saunders
Paul Saxton
Issac Scoble
Randy Sears
Arnold Selway
Shrif Sham Whitney Shaver
Artie Shupe
Grant Sill
Ian Sinclair
Av Singh
Carlos Smith-Spinozolia
Dave Snook
Dewey Squires
Darren Stewart Alicia Stewart
Josh Strickland
Chuck Surette
Tim Swan Jessica Swinkels Caitlin Swinkels
Luke Teed
Art Terfry
John Terry
Stewart Terry
Terry Thorson Pam Tiller
Gavin Timberlake
Steve Tooker
Joey Toplin Melissa Totten
Allan Troop Richard Tucker
Dan Tulley
Jody Upham
Harvey Veniot
Miles Whittiker
Larry Wile
Adam Wile
Russell Wile
Bob Williams
Dave Wilson
Woody Woodworth
Rachel Young